The plant-based human meat burger

During last Halloween, we showed the world that Oumph! can successefully replace any meat out there with delicious vegan alternatives. So, we developed this creepy human meat burger flavor and dared people to try it. After a lot of research from the testomonies of real cannibals, the "Human Meat Plant-Based Burger was brought to reality through the hands of Oumph!'s leader Chef & Co-Founder Ankan "The Duck" Linden. The product was served at Stockholm to 300 brave costumers who were willing to put their brains against theirs taste-buds.

Agency - Lola MullenLowe Madrid
Creative Directors - Kabuli & Zacher
Client - Oumph!  / Live Kindly

Role - Photographer


The Telegraph, New York Post, Metro, Business Insider, Daily Mirror, Weelky Times, Ad Age Editor’s Pick, AdWeek Editor’s Pick, The Times, Washington Examiner, Herard Sun, Daily Star, CNews, Resumé, News 18, The Independent, Lürzer’s Archive Ad Of The Week, The Drum Ad of The Week, Shots, MSN, Le Dauphine, Madmoizelle, Muse by Clio, Design Taxi, Clarín, TrenHunter, Ads of the World, and more.


Melting Icon - Magnum


Boiler Feelings - Macias